Controlling Property With A Purchase Option

A purchase-option contract lets the buyer-optionee purchase a property at a specific price within a certain period of time. If the option is exercised, a closing is held and the property is purchased at the price previously agreed upon. There is no legal obligation to...

Improving A Managed Property Portfolio

Property owners own investment real estate for profit. With proper management, they can earn a good return monthly from one property or a portfolio of properties. However, a certain property may have been acquired for an upgrade, to bring in income later or sell for a...

The Upkeep On Your Rental Property

Keeping your property in top condition is not difficult if it is a continuing effort. There will be a plan in place for making ongoing improvements by investing a portion of each year’s income. Failure to do this will result in a neglected property. Many investment...

Acquiring Investment Land

Land is one of the top investments by real estate professionals. Before any building project can be planned, the land must be available. At all times, real estate assemblers are looking at and acquiring under-utilized sites within cities or in suburbs. Here are some...

Choosing The Right Investment Property

No single property can fit all of the investment goals and rules an investor has set. Even if the investor tried to build a property to specifications, he would find some things “not quite right”. The investor is, therefore, wise to anticipate problems and have some...

Drafting The Shopping Center Lease

When leases for shopping centers are being drafted, they can be more difficult than most other commercial leases. In a shopping center, the owner wants the leases to be as uniform as possible, but knows that each lease must have variations to meet the individual...