Searching For Commercial Tenants

At all times, good or bad, we must aggressively search for replacement tenants. A month’s rent from a vacant unit can never be recovered. Just running expensive advertising for this space can be nonproductive. A better way might be to have a professional management...

Are These Items In Your Leases

The following is a useful list of items that should be clarified between the parties in the lease of a commercial building: What is the amount of usable space? Since the rent may be based on a square foot rate, the rate may be quoted on a rentable or a usable area....

Commercial Real Estate Representation

There are a number of ways to buy, sell or exchange investment or commercial real estate. Having the knowledge of what you can do in some tax situations can be the difference between an annual profit or loss in a property that you intend to acquire or one that you...

Preparing A Loan Request Package

When preparing a loan request package for presentation to the lender, the real estate borrower must be as complete as possible the first time. Insufficient, imprecise, or incorrect data in a loan request package can mean a rejection for an otherwise attractive real...

Protect Your Building’s Occupancy

Owners, managers, and brokers of new office buildings are usually anxious to fill their space and to do so, they may not be above trying to charm your tenants away, even if your leases still have some time to run. Some new-building owners may offer to find sublessees...

The Future Buyer For A Commercial Property

If you are new to investing in income property, you may have made a choice in advance of the type of investment property that you wish to own. There are many good types of investment properties: apartments, office buildings, shopping centers, high rise parking garages...