Creative Management and Other Ideas

Renting To The Right Tenant Property managers must always think about the type of tenant that is most likely to reside in that particular building. For example, when apartments in a project rent for $16,000 to $24,000 per year, tenants will be concerned primarily with...

Knowing The Value With Appraisal

The purpose of any real estate appraisal is to determine the market value of the property being appraised. The handbook of the Appraisal Institute defines market value as; “The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under...

Analyzing Office Building Vacancies

Office buildings are excellent commercial properties to own. One of the most important jobs of a leasing agent for a building with available space is to analyze other buildings to see if any tenant could be induced to move. Newer buildings may fill up at the expense...

Controlling Property With A Purchase Option

A purchase-option contract lets the buyer-optionee purchase a property at a specific price within a certain period of time. If the option is exercised, a closing is held and the property is purchased at the price previously agreed upon. There is no legal obligation to...

Improving A Managed Property Portfolio

Property owners own investment real estate for profit. With proper management, they can earn a good return monthly from one property or a portfolio of properties. However, a certain property may have been acquired for an upgrade, to bring in income later or sell for a...

The Upkeep On Your Rental Property

Keeping your property in top condition is not difficult if it is a continuing effort. There will be a plan in place for making ongoing improvements by investing a portion of each year’s income. Failure to do this will result in a neglected property. Many investment...