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Financing A New Development
When an investor purchases land to build on, the next step is land development and financing. “Land development” cannot be precisely defined; generally, it refers to the physical, legal, and engineering processes needed to convert raw land to land (or lots) on which...
Your Commercial Real Estate Brokers
How can we be of service to you? When you are buying or selling a commercial property, of course. At other times, we can handle property management for any properties you might own. Let us help in determining the value of your investment, anytime you need to know....
The Marketing Of A Commercial Or Apartment Building
A new tenant and an investor share the same first impression of a commercial building or an apartment property. That first impression is crucial. Before marketing the property, think about the outside appearance. The “look” affects both tenants and buyers. The...
The Self-Storage Market Demand
One in ten U.S. households now rent a self-storage unit. The growing demand for self-storage in the U.S. is created by people moving (some 40 million people move each year according to U.S. Census data), and by various lifestyle transitions, such as marriage, divorce,...
An Appropriate Management Plan
Real estate investments can be set up to generate one or more types of returns: Cash flow to owners (yield or return on investment). Appreciation of owner’s capital (capital appreciation). Shelter of cash flow and/or other income from taxation (tax benefits)....
Lease Or Purchase Commercial Property
Whatever the kind of property used, the user has the option of purchasing or leasing. Should you buy the house you live in, or lease it from someone else? With few exceptions, there would be an overwhelming response to “own it”. The benefits weigh heavily toward...
The Suburban Office Building – Primary Acquisition
Suburban office buildings remain many investors primary acquisition target. These investors reason that a suburban office building will almost always be a good buy. Careful choices must be made, as there must be a demand for office space in the area and a gradual...
Pre-Leasing For Construction Loans
Whether it’s a new office building, industrial warehouse, retail shopping center, or high-rise residential apartment building, investors and lenders increasingly demand to see a substantial portion pre-leased before they are willing to put up construction money....
Increasing Market Value Of The Investment
Since the value of a rental property is based directly on the cash return, adding value means increasing cash flow. When small investors set out to increase real estate values, the steps are in upgrading houses, duplexes, triplexes, etc., enhancing the cash flow and...
Property Management Makes Asset More Valuable
Management of a building is not just handling problems as they arise and renting units, it is making the asset more valuable to the owner by concentrating on every aspect of the property. Some owners of very large income properties still do not take professional...
The Fair Cancellation Clause In A Commercial Lease
Whether a rental market is weak or strong, lease negotiations can be difficult when the landlord wants concessions that are different from the norm. One situation that happens is when the owner of an office building or other commercial property intends to sell when...
Building On Leased Land
Building on leased land results in a separate ownership of that building and the land. The two owners, one of the land, and one the improvement, come together in one investment parcel. In this situation, the landowner wants someone to develop the land, but still wants...
Shopping Centers – The New Town Center
New mall construction and the renovation of existing centers are becoming more mixed use, with hotels and office buildings being incorporated into the plans. Larger malls are providing more than just shopping. We are seeing more cultural attractions, medical clinics,...
Percentage Lease And The Seasonal Business
The choice of the type of lease for commercial space leased by a retail business is usually a percentage lease, meaning that the rental amount is determined as a percentage of the gross receipts of the business. The investor-landlord, in effect, takes a stake in the...
Owners & Tenants Must Have Insurance
Insurance coverage must be addressed by both landlords and commercial tenants. For the everyday problems, a landlord must have the maximum coverage for the building and the tenant’s leases. The tenant must carry insurance with coverage that will protect his business....
Condos – Developments And Conversions
Most anything that can be subdivided to be sold or rented can be developed or converted to condominiums. When we say “condo” maybe the apartment might come to mind first. Then, you may think of the commercial office building that was converted to condominium offices....
Office Building For Attorneys Only
Property managers must show some imagination to keep a property fully rented. One way to keep an office building occupied is to consider specializing–renting to members of one professional field. Members of the medical profession have long realized the advantages of...
Industrial And Office Park Development
With cheaper land costs and a greater amount of labor sources there has been a move on the part of industry to relocate from the cities to the suburbs during the past few decades. The result of this has been the establishment of industrial and office parks in those...
Major Reasons For The Asset Manager
The institutional investor has found that income property must be placed under the supervision of professional, experienced and innovative managers. With more property moving into the ownership of institutions and real estate investment trusts, the need for asset...
A Good Management System
A good management system efficiently records, reports, and manages income from tenants. A poor system, on the other hand, is likely to increase the amount of work, create tenant conflicts, and reduce the amount of total collections. The income from managed apartments...
Leased Property – An Estate For Years
There are real estate investors who specialize in making profits, sometimes big profits from properties that they lease and do not own. This cash flow from a lease can be extremely interesting. Often the lessee making a huge profit has a relatively small cash...
Leverage With An Option
Leverage is the use of borrowed money to control something of value. Real estate investments for many years have afforded the investor some extreme leverage situations. Let’s examine leverage. If double-digit inflation returns, controlling the maximum amount of real...
The Master Plan For Land Acquisition
The acquisition and improvement of land is a large-scale operation and requires large amounts of capital. This has created methods of land acquisition that gives the developer access to and control over a large enough tract to make development economical without...
Lenders, Property Managers – A Service Joint Venture
Whether times are good or bad, lenders always have foreclosed properties in inventory. During a recession the inventory may be high. One of the problems that banks and insurance companies have is disposing of this real estate owned (REO). They are faced with the...
Rental Market For Senior Lifestyle
Not all retired people want to own their own home. Many prefer to be tenants. Many feel that the proceeds from the sale of their old home can be used to supplement their pension and social security, rather than reinvested in another home. The money can be used for...
Variations of Commercial Leases
A lease is an integral part of many real estate investments. It should outline all the obligations of the tenant and of the landlord. This sounds simple, but many questions arise. If, for example, property taxes increase, does the tenant pay all of the increase or...
Real Estate Investment Consultants
When you need professional advice and help in commercial real estate we are experts in values and knowledge of the entire market in this area. If you have been looking for a certain type of property we probably have the full information on several like it already....
The Success Of A Prospective Tenant
Owners must think about vacancies when checking a prospective tenant. Will the tenant’s business survive? When you have a prospective tenant for a commercial center, you must consider whether that prospect would be a good tenant. There are two key standards to apply;...
Investment Planning
A prospective investor may have a problem getting started with a real estate investment because of the great variety of properties that are out there. They may be fearful that someone will “sell” them something - something that is wrong for them. An answer to these...
Climate-Controlled Self Storage
A feature that developers and owners of self-storage properties are adding to increase the appeal to more users is climate-controlled space for storage of microfilm, computer records, antiques and other sensitive materials. Higher Rental Income In one...
Creative Management and Other Ideas
Renting To The Right Tenant Property managers must always think about the type of tenant that is most likely to reside in that particular building. For example, when apartments in a project rent for $16,000 to $24,000 per year, tenants will be concerned primarily with...
Knowing The Value With Appraisal
The purpose of any real estate appraisal is to determine the market value of the property being appraised. The handbook of the Appraisal Institute defines market value as; “The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under...
Analyzing Office Building Vacancies
Office buildings are excellent commercial properties to own. One of the most important jobs of a leasing agent for a building with available space is to analyze other buildings to see if any tenant could be induced to move. Newer buildings may fill up at the expense...
Controlling Property With A Purchase Option
A purchase-option contract lets the buyer-optionee purchase a property at a specific price within a certain period of time. If the option is exercised, a closing is held and the property is purchased at the price previously agreed upon. There is no legal obligation to...
Improving A Managed Property Portfolio
Property owners own investment real estate for profit. With proper management, they can earn a good return monthly from one property or a portfolio of properties. However, a certain property may have been acquired for an upgrade, to bring in income later or sell for a...
The Upkeep On Your Rental Property
Keeping your property in top condition is not difficult if it is a continuing effort. There will be a plan in place for making ongoing improvements by investing a portion of each year’s income. Failure to do this will result in a neglected property. Many investment...
Acquiring Investment Land
Land is one of the top investments by real estate professionals. Before any building project can be planned, the land must be available. At all times, real estate assemblers are looking at and acquiring under-utilized sites within cities or in suburbs. Here are some...
Choosing The Right Investment Property
No single property can fit all of the investment goals and rules an investor has set. Even if the investor tried to build a property to specifications, he would find some things “not quite right”. The investor is, therefore, wise to anticipate problems and have some...
Drafting The Shopping Center Lease
When leases for shopping centers are being drafted, they can be more difficult than most other commercial leases. In a shopping center, the owner wants the leases to be as uniform as possible, but knows that each lease must have variations to meet the individual...
Lease Negotiations With A Corporate Team
A few years ago, senior corporate managers were able to make major real estate decisions by themselves. Now, a negotiating team will negotiate leases. This team may consist of legal counsel, finance department representatives, outside specialists such as real estate...
Who Buys Commercial Property
When we represent a seller of a commercial property, we try to determine, as soon as possible in the marketing process, what type of buyer is most likely to be interested in this particular property. We then focus the main appeal on those elements that are most...
Changing The Use Of Investment Properties
There is a big difference between investing in the rejuvenation of real estate projects and investing in stocks, bonds and other securities. When you invest in securities, you have no control of any factors that can enhance the value. In real estate, you have control...
Investing In Land For Long-Term Profit
Land is always a good investment for the long term. In past years when investors made real estate investments, one consideration was the tax shelter of certain investments. Now, with fewer shelters, real estate investments must make sense as a dollars and cents return...
Turn-Around Negative Cash Flow
In investment properties, when cash expenses are more than cash receipts, there is negative cash flow. Most investors avoid properties where this is the situation, unless there are strong underlying economic factors that indicate the cash flow can become positive....
Contact Your Property Manager In Advance
The usual way that a property management company comes upon the scene is when the owner of a building makes a contact. Often the owner has just acquired the property through a purchase or exchange, then looks for a manager. If you are about to acquire an income...
Changes In The Workplace
Working from home is now becoming a trend. The growing popularity is remaking how we work, the tools we use for that work, how we communicate at work, and even the hours we work. A major benefit to the employer is being able to downsize on square footage of space for...
Industrial Property Investments
If you haven’t considered industrial properties as an investment vehicle, it may be time to take a look. Warehouse and distribution (W&D) properties are of interest because their standard layout suits a wide range of users, in contrast to specialized manufacturing...
Relocating An Existing Tenant
A landlord’s standard lease usually contains a clause requiring a tenant to move to another space in a commercial building or shopping center. A new tenant that is negotiating for space in the building might be surprised to see the clause before signing the lease,...
Building Standards For Any Tenant Improvements
A building owner wants to be sure that improvements made by or for a tenant be of equal quality to the building itself. That’s because tenant improvements, upon completion, become a permanent part of the building. The goal is to establish building standards that will...
Unusual Pieces Of Real Estate
In many metropolitan areas, commercial land for development is in very short supply. Developers are converting older warehousing to shopping areas, demolishing existing buildings to build new projects in areas in transition. However there may be many hundreds or even...
Negotiating The Sublease
With changes in business strategies, a major existing tenant wants to sublease all or some of their rented office space to eliminate some locations and shrink operations in others. In this situation, the problem for landlords is whether it is a better strategy to...
Screening For New Tenants
The property manager provides the tenant applicant with the lease application which must be filled out for the interview. A leasing agent may assist during the review process, but the final selection of tenants is ultimately the property manager and owner’s...
Individual Building Or Commercial Condo
Which is the better investment — a separate (single) commercial building or a commercial condominium within a larger complex? Each has its own unique set of attributes, and so the answer really depends on the needs, goals and characteristics of the investor....
Extra Income From Campus Apartments
When an owner has an apartment property near the campus of a University, there are particular problems. The competitive situation dictates that leases be offered for one semester of nine and a half months. A twelve-month lease for students is virtually unheard of....
A Step-Down Rental
Tenants understand the need for step-ups in their leases because they recognize the inevitable upward trend of costs. There is no reason for elaborate set of definitions in the lease. The lease simply needs to spell out in a schedule the applicable period and the rent...
Is Your Commercial Property Secure?
The problem of security is a major concern of owners or managers of office buildings or other commercial properties. There are many things to check both inside and outside of a property. Particular attention must be given to the perimeter of the property, as this is...
In A Sale/Leaseback Check Tenant Stability
When an investor is looking for a management free investment, nothing can beat a sale/leaseback. This is the ideal investment for an absentee owner because the tenant pays all the operating expenses and the investor-owner usually has a completely management-free and...
Things To Check With A Ground Lease
Landowners may choose the ground lease as a way to benefit an easy and risk-free investment vehicle and as a way to secure the long-term appreciation of the property. Sometimes a ground lease can put the lessor at risk. That is because the deal centers on the concept...
Take Action For Overdue Rents
A critical indicator of a management company’s success is their effectiveness in controlling overdue rents. A well-run property should not have chronically delinquent tenants. However, when delinquency does occur, immediate action must be taken. A list of all...
The High Risk Problem Property
In any market, good or bad, there are always problem properties. Most are only troubled or problem properties because of the current ownership. Some may be neglected only because the present owner has failed to do fairly simple things that can solve the problems....
Good Management Adds Value
Investors purchase residential and commercial income producing real estate to make money. There are two obvious ways of making money from a property. First, the owner takes a share of the annual operating profit generated by the investment, and Second, profits from...
Proper Balance Within A Shopping Center
In recent years, many stores have widened their lines and no longer specialize in only one form of merchandise. Such operations as supermarkets may sell anything from CDs and DVDs to refrigerators, and drugstores are as apt to carry pots and pans as well as pills....
The Totally Neglected Property
It is hard to believe that someone can totally neglect a valuable investment property like a multi-unit office building or an apartment complex. It happens. The run down property may have been acquired from a seller who did not understand real estate investments and...
Question A Provision In The Lease
When a landlord and a tenant agree to a commercial lease, it may contain clauses covering things that neither party to the lease ever expects to happen. Occasionally, one of these will happen with costly and damaging consequences to the tenant. One lease clause that...
Corporate Shared Office Space
With the new revolution in communications, building owners must keep up with the changing needs of the corporate tenant. Often the larger, well-organized businesses do not need the space that was necessary just a few years ago. Electronic communications to and from...
Refurbish For Future Profits
When you want an increased return on an older property it may be time to refurbish the property. Looking around a community, you will usually find a number of properties that need to be upgraded. Some existing owners do not recognize the increased return that they...
Agreement Between Owner And Developer
The acquisition and improvement of land is a large-scale operation and requires large amounts of capital. This has created methods of land acquisition that gives the developer access to and control over a large enough tract to make development economical without...
Different Choices Of Rental Plans
When there are vacancies in commercial buildings, tenants may feel that they are in a good position to seek concessions from landlords on new leases or in exchange for extending or renewing existing leases. Landlords are apt to make deals for two reasons: (1) The...
Communication Between Management And Owner
For success in achieving the owner’s objectives, there must be open communication between the owner and the management company. The process must be continuing from the onset of the management plan based on the owner’s objectives to the dissemination of monthly and...
The Single Tenant Market
Investors who can provide the housing that satisfies the needs of the single tenant will stand to profit. We all know that the number of persons living alone has increased. Figures from the census bureau show that households that contain only one person have increased...
Raw Land For Development
Land investment is much more complex than it was a few years ago. Because of expanded regulation and environmental concerns, the development process is much longer and so more expensive. The time from the initial raw land purchase until final sale of completed homes...
The CPI Escalation Rental Clause
Putting a CPI (Consumer Price Index) escalation clause in a lease is to make the lease fair to both the tenant and the property owner. A primary benefit of escalation clauses is they help protect against diminishing purchasing power related to inflation. The CPI...
The Industrial Flex Building Investment
A high percentage of speculative low-rise industrial buildings today are flex buildings making them a good investment. One of the most appealing aspects of flex space lies within its customizability. For example, if a tenant wants to increase their office space or...
Be Ready In Advance For Emergencies
A Prepared Plan Building owners and managers need to be aware of their obligations to their tenants for emergencies that can happen in buildings. Emergencies like fires, power failures, bomb threats, crimes, civil disorders, wild weather are just a few that could...
Warehouses–Profitable Real Estate Investments
When Syndicates, partnerships, investment companies and their individual participants look at investments in commercial properties, many tend to look at properties that have that bewitching charm of glamour in brochures. A beautiful office building or an enclosed...
Controlling Property With Purchase-Option
Some investors look for the short-term investment with less of an emphasis on “doing business” and more pre-investment research on controlling property for the maximum gain in the short term. These investors often use the option or purchase-option. Traditionally, most...
Commercial Real Estate Representation
There are a number of ways to buy, sell or exchange investment or commercial real estate. Having the knowledge of what you can do in some tax situations can be the difference between an annual profit or loss in a property that you intend to acquire or one that you...
Legal Definition Of A Shopping Center
There are all kinds of shopping centers from the smallest strip center up to the super centers. In a case in a federal bankruptcy court, the court was required to distinguish between a “shopping center” and other types of retail properties. The federal bankruptcy code...
The Type Of Buyer For Commercial Property
When we represent a seller of a commercial property, we try to determine, as soon as possible in the marketing process, what type of buyer is most likely to be interested in this particular property. We then focus the main appeal on those elements that are most...
The Small Shopping Center–A Good Investment
When you are looking at shopping centers, bigger is not necessarily better. While a well-run regional or super-regional shopping center can produce a good financial return, so can a successful small-market shopping center. In many cases, the small town center can turn...
Closing The Commercial Lease
When all of the negotiations have been completed, the broker and tenant have agreed to the terms of the lease. Now all that is left is the lease closing. Often there are so many back-up papers that must be produced, examined, and approved the closing can be held up...
Property Values Around A New Hospital
What happens to nearby property values when a new hospital is built? Usually, the surrounding area feels a ripple effect. No matter how old the buildings that surround a new hospital complex are, land values increase. Developers are quick to provide new space for...
Physical Inspection Of Investment Property
When a buyer makes an offer on an investment property, it is usually only after a thorough inspection of all of the data that is available on the financial records of the building. The physical inspection of the property could be as important or more important than...
The Commercial Condominium
Statistics show business and professional firms are buying offices rather than leasing. While buying or constructing an entire building is an option for major corporations or smaller firms outside metropolitan areas, owning commercial space generally means being part...
Searching For Commercial Tenants
At all times, good or bad, we must aggressively search for replacement tenants. A month’s rent from a vacant unit can never be recovered. Just running expensive advertising for this space can be nonproductive. A better way might be to have a professional management...
Are These Items In Your Leases
The following is a useful list of items that should be clarified between the parties in the lease of a commercial building: What is the amount of usable space? Since the rent may be based on a square foot rate, the rate may be quoted on a rentable or a usable area....
Commercial Real Estate Representation
There are a number of ways to buy, sell or exchange investment or commercial real estate. Having the knowledge of what you can do in some tax situations can be the difference between an annual profit or loss in a property that you intend to acquire or one that you...
Preparing A Loan Request Package
When preparing a loan request package for presentation to the lender, the real estate borrower must be as complete as possible the first time. Insufficient, imprecise, or incorrect data in a loan request package can mean a rejection for an otherwise attractive real...
Protect Your Building’s Occupancy
Owners, managers, and brokers of new office buildings are usually anxious to fill their space and to do so, they may not be above trying to charm your tenants away, even if your leases still have some time to run. Some new-building owners may offer to find sublessees...
The Future Buyer For A Commercial Property
If you are new to investing in income property, you may have made a choice in advance of the type of investment property that you wish to own. There are many good types of investment properties: apartments, office buildings, shopping centers, high rise parking garages...
Preventative Maintenance Saves Money
Maintenance of any rental building, either residential or commercial, should be handled as much as possible as a routine rather than an emergency. Preventative maintenance must be performed regularly to keep the level of service at the property high and to reduce...
A Few Energy Saving Tips
Conserving energy is important to everyone. Not only does energy conservation save consumers and businesses money, but it also saves precious resources for future use. Saving energy is much easier than many people think. Insulating homes and commercial buildings,...
Essential Parking Spaces For Commercial Properties
Parking is not just important at your commercial building or apartment property; it is absolutely crucial for any business. Without it, potential tenants and their customer will reject the building. Parking spaces may be located below, at, or above ground level but...
The Master Lease
When new development is occurring in a market and developers are anxious to sell when the construction is complete, use of a master lease may facilitate a sale before the lease-up period is ended. A master lease is a form of seller guarantee that has several specific...
A Land Development Agreement
The acquisition and improvement of land is a large-scale operation and requires large amounts of capital. This has created methods of land acquisition that gives the developer access to and control over a large enough tract to make development economical without...
Well-Planned Landscaping
Owners and property managers must watch the nickels and dimes as well as the dollars that are spent on the property. Save one dollar in operating costs and (assuming a 10% cap rate) the value of the property increases by $10. That is why owners are always looking for...
The Question of Value In A Shopping Center
When a person is either a buyer or a seller of a shopping center, the question of value for a sale is paramount. How do you appraise such a property? In commercial properties, there are three types of methods commonly used to establish a value for appraisal. They...
Consider A Condominium Conversion
When an investor is seeking an investment in a new condominium project, the possibility of purchasing an existing rental property for conversion to condominiums should be considered. While building a new property can be profitable, there are many benefits to...
Alternative Rental Plans
When there are vacancies in commercial buildings, tenants may feel that they are in a good position to seek concessions from landlords on new leases or in exchange for extending or renewing existing leases. Landlords are apt to make deals for two reasons: (1.) The...
Office Building Comparisons
Newer office buildings may fill up at the expense of older office buildings. Since new buildings cost more to build than the older ones, rents may be higher. The actual dollars-per-square-foot costs must be compared, along with other benefits that the tenant may...